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Let’s Turn Your Anxiety Into a Beautiful, Healthy Smile

Our experienced dentist, Doctor Chris Bej, will treat you with personalized, gentle care.

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Oberlin Dentist

Are you looking for a reputable, experienced dentist in the Oberlin area? Do you like the idea of being able to come to a place where you can have all your dental needs taken care of in a single office visit? At Dental Care of Oberlin, our family-friendly practice is proud to provide both general and cosmetic dentistry services. Because we treat kids and adults alike, our experienced dentist always takes their time to provide gentle, professional treatments. To learn more about our services, call us now at 440-774-2313!

young family having fun in home

Featuring Over Three Decades of Experience

For many years, we have established a reputation for our commitment to patient satisfaction and expertise in our field. Regardless of whether you are coming in for a simple checkup or need more extensive treatment options, such as a root canal, our friendly oral care professionals would be happy to provide you with the care and attention you deserve. Come to our clinic to see the difference that consistent and high-quality dental care can make in the health and the appearance of your teeth.

woman in office smiling

Top-Notch Care Personalized for You!

When you want dental work in Oberlin that caters to your needs, we are your ideal solution. Whether you are suffering from a severe dental issue or would like to address minor concerns, our affordable services are exactly what you need to ensure you are on track to dental success. There are many aspects that set apart our clinic, such as:

  • Customized care
  • Convenient location
  • Emergencies welcome
  • Most insurances accepted

Visit Dental Care of Oberlin

No matter what dental issue you are facing today, do not hesitate to get into contact with our oral care professionals at Dental Care of Oberlin at your earliest convenience. We offer free consultations to all our new patients, so go ahead and give our office a call at 440-774-2313 to set up your initial appointment today!

Call Us Today to Schedule Exceptional Dental Care


309 W. Lorain St.
Oberlin, OH 44074



Hours of Operation

Monday: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Tuesday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Thursday: 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Friday: Closed

Closed 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM for lunch on Mon, Tues, & Wed

Dental Care of Oberlin, West Lorain Street, Oberlin, OH, USA

We Help You Afford the Care You Need and Deserve!

Dental Care of Oberlin accepts most major dental insurance plans, and will work with you to help you understand your benefits.

Elite Total Care Plan
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We Accept All Major Credit Cards

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